

You now have a wonderful opportunity to commemorate an occasion with a gift that is guaranteed to make a difference to a needy child. You may dedicate a donation in the memory of a loved one or mark any special occasion in your life with such a generous gift of love.

Your donation rupees or dollars can be channeled towards the provision of meals, clothing, toiletries, paying of utility bills, paying salaries for staff members, facility maintenance, educational material and medical expenses. You can now make a daily, weekly or monthly commitment for a period of time through your credit card, providing us with authorization to process your gift automatically.

Financial Summary for Maithree Children Development Centre

Area Amount in USD Amount in Rupees
Provision of all 03 meals per month (daily); Breakfast – Rs.1000, Lunch – Rs.2000, Dinner – Rs.2000 making the total Rs.5000/- 1500 150,000.00
Clothing for 25 children 50 5,000
Toiletries (ex: soap, toothpaste, powder)